Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, the science of language. The
term Lexicology is composed of two
Greek morphemes:
lexis meaning ‘word, phrase’ (hence lexicos ‘having to do with words’)
and logos
which denotes ‘learning, a department of knowledge’. Thus, the literal meaning
of the term Lexiсolоgу is ‘the science of the word’.
The literal meaning, however, gives
only a general notion of the aims and
the subject-matter of this branch of
linguistic science, since all its other
branches also take account of words
in one way or another approaching
them from different angles.
Phonetics, for instance, investigating the pho-
netic structure of language, i.e.
its system of phonemes and intonation pat-
terns, is concerned with the study
of the outer sound form of the word.
Grammar, which is inseparably bound
up with Lexicology, is the study of
the grammatical structure of language.
It is concerned with the various
means of expressing grammatical
relations between words and with the
patterns after which words are
combined into word-groups and sentences.
Lexicology as a branch of
linguistics has its own aims and methods of
scientific research, its basic task
being a study and systematic description
of vocabulary in respect to its
origin, development and current use. Lexicology is concerned with words,
variable word-groups, phraseological units, and with morphemes which make up
Distinction is naturally made
between General Lexicology and Special
General Lexicology is part of General
Linguistics; it is con-
cerned with the study of vocabulary
irrespective of the specific features of
any particular language. Special
Lexicology is the Lexicology of a particular language (e.g. English, Russian,
etc.), i.e. the study and description of its
vocabulary and vocabulary units,
primarily words as the main units of language. Needless to say that every
Special Lexicology is based on the principles worked out and laid down by
General Lexicology, a general theory of
There is also a close relationship
between Lexicology and Stylistics or,
to be more exact, L i n g u o - S t y l i s t i c s (Linguistic
Linguo-Stylistics is concerned with
the study of the nature, functions and
structure of stylistic devices, on
the one hand, and with the investigation
of each style of language, on the
other, i.e. with its aim, its structure, its
characteristic features and the
effect it produces as well as its interrelation with the other styles of