Intro to Sociolinguistics

Asslamulaikum wr.wb.

Hello guys, I have assignment from to lectur about conclude Introduction To socio Linguistics.
In this some of question my friends, that will answered together. All right, I will to conclude question of my friends.
  1.     Why is dialeg and accent include sociolinguistics?
  2.      Effect of to sociolinguitics and sociology of language!
  3.     Difference accent and dialeg!

Ok guys, I will try conclude question of my friends.

Why is dialeg and accent include sociolinguistics? Because sociolinguistics study about hubungan antara bahasa-masyarakat. Tujuan untuk memeriksa oranf menggunakan bahasa dalam konteks social yang berbeda.
Effect of to sociolinguitics and sociology of language! I think sociology language efek atas penggunaan bahasa terhadap lingkungan social. Such as to slank, alay, bahasa gaul. Effect when we speaking will menimbulkan ke pada orang lain. And sociolinguistics bahasa social yang digunakan sehari hari, tergantung tempat dan situasi.
Difference accent and dialeg! So dialeg, lebih ke geografis,gaya perbedaan kata dan bahasa. And accent, nada berbicara dengan lawan bicara kita sendiri.

I thinks conclude to for me that can saya dapati, Asslamulaikum wr. wb