
  • I read before about syntax in internet, syntax is :

       What is Syntax?

Syntax – the part of linguistics that studies sentence structure:
  • word order:

I want these books.
*want these I books.

  • agreement – subject and verb, determiner and noun, often must agree:
He wants this book.
*He want this book.
I want these books.
*I want this books.

  • How many complements, which prepositions and forms (cases):
I give Mary a book.
*I see Mary a book.
I see her.
*I see she.

  • hierarchical structure – what modifies what
We need more (intelligent leaders).
(more of intelligent leaders)
We need (more intelligent) leaders.
(leaders that are more intelligent)

  • etc.
Syntax is not about meaning! Sentences can have no sense and still be grammatically correct:

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. – nonsense, but grammatically correct
*Sleep ideas colorless furiously green. – grammatically incorrect
Syntax: From Greek syntaxis from syn (together) + taxis (arrangement).

Cf. symphony, synonym, synthesis; taxonomy, tactics


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