Ujian Semester Ganjil "Intro to Sociolinguistics"

Name : Nita Prakasiwi
Nim : 1588203034

1. What is sociolinguistics?

Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It focuses on how language are used in a community and an area. The use of language may different in each community, area, and can be a level of a person (derajat). Can also, Sociolinguistics is a developing of linguistics which that takes speech variation as its focus, viewing variation or its social context. Sociolinguistics is concerned with the coration between such social factor and linguistic variation There are two types of sociolinguistics, they are sociolinguistics and sociology of language. Sociolinguistics and sociology of language represent two different things. Sociolinguistics characteristic is kulitatif, and sociology of language is kuantatif, and than Sociolinguistics concerned with language by individuals in the context of social, and the diversity of language.

2. Why do we learn sociolinguistics?

When  we learn sociolinguistics that we can understand more about use of the language, diversity language cause of divercation use language and the level of social language, attitude of language, and loyalty integrity of the nation.  By studying the sociolinguistics in addition to add the insight us the language can also foster mindfulness that good and keep uniformitas language. Every science of have benefits in our lives, so also with sociolinguistics. Benefit of  the sociolinguistics very much, therefore language as to object or device of communication verbal human beings who have the rules of certain. Benefit of the knowledge sociolinguistics in communication, such as:

  •   Give  orientation for us in communication with show to language, variety of  language, or style language, what we use if we spoke with a particular person and in a certain.
  • In instruction sociolinguistics the benefits in explain using language that agree with principle language and principle social.
  •   Sociolinguistics can also give contribution in overcome political tensions result the issue of national language in a multilingual.

3. What is the relation between language and society?

Relation Language and Society
Humans are social creatures that can not live alone but always interact with others. Humans use language as tool communication as identity group, and than can  as evidenced by the formation of a variety of language in the worc who has a characteristic unique with another language. Relationship between in language with context social that learn in field sociolinguistics raised  by Trudgill “ Sociolinguistics is part linguistics that relationship with language phenomenon language and culture. The field examine phenomenon of society and science social. Sociolinguistics have component principal that is feature language and the function of the language. Function of language as social egulatory to form the direction and function interpersonal as relationship good, function imajination to explain the fantasy, and function emotional to revealed mood like angry, sad and excited. The development of the language in line with the development of human life in the modern.

4. Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics!

Linguistic branches:
b.For a specific language

2. Makro Linguistics
a. Interdisciplinary Field
b. Field of applied linguistics

Mikrolinguistik is a linguistic field that consists in the narrow sense, the language in position as a natural phenomenon that stands alone. Microrolinguistics studies the material of language directly about the properties, structure, way of work, and so on. Microrolinguistics is divided into two, namely microlinguistics is general and mikrolinguistik for certain languages.

5. What is standard language? Giving an example!

Standardization or language standardization is the codification and acceptance of a language by the language user community of a set of codices or norms that determine the correct use of language. Standardization of a language has a norm, a word that people accept and is the basis for language teaching.
Example: good morning every one?? How are you today?

6. Elaborating the language, dialect and accent please!

-         Dialect is the regional dialect: the distinct form of a language spoken in a certain geographical area.
-         A dialect is a variety of English which is associated with a particular region and/or social class

-         a language is written in addition to being spoken, while a dialect is just spoken

-         An accent is a person's distinctive pronunciation

7. Giving an example of formal language and informal language!

he has decided to accept the job.
informal “She’s = contraction”
he's decided to accept the job.

8. What aspects of language are sociolinguistics interested in?

Sociolinguists are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social contexts. And the effect of social factors such as (social distance, social status, age, gender, class) on language varieties (dialects, registers, genres,etc) and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the way they are used to convey social meanings.

9. When two or more people from different language met and tried to communicate, what should they do?

a.     Pidgin: generally used in situations exchange or there are two groups that speak a language different from the language of the area where he lived.
b.     Creole:  merging some of the language and then pose a new language in a society to the next generation.
c.      Lingua franca:  bahasa pemersatu, seperti bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa nasional

10. Why do people switch and mix a language?
11. Giving an example of code switching and code mixing!

Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Oke guys I will to share conclusion about Language, dialects, and varieties. Are know guys?? Oke lets go cek in this.
  1.  Why social background is more related than geographical background, impack?
  2. More example the main differences between regional and social dialects?
  3. Explain between language and dialects!
  4. How can language different in other language?

Language is tools communication. Language  can not liberated of human, we can see all activity that be related with interaction language human.
Dialect is kinds of speaks language us.
Varieties is a general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistics expression.
·        Social background is the social language that always we used in daily activities depend on social environment and geographic. Background is the language that we used suitable with our origin. Socio background very influence our language compared geographic background. For example people java, language java when they speak same people java only they know.

·         Dialeg: Grammar, pronouncation, lexical

Intro to Sociolinguistics

Asslamulaikum wr.wb.

Hello guys, I have assignment from to lectur about conclude Introduction To socio Linguistics.
In this some of question my friends, that will answered together. All right, I will to conclude question of my friends.
  1.     Why is dialeg and accent include sociolinguistics?
  2.      Effect of to sociolinguitics and sociology of language!
  3.     Difference accent and dialeg!

Ok guys, I will try conclude question of my friends.

Why is dialeg and accent include sociolinguistics? Because sociolinguistics study about hubungan antara bahasa-masyarakat. Tujuan untuk memeriksa oranf menggunakan bahasa dalam konteks social yang berbeda.
Effect of to sociolinguitics and sociology of language! I think sociology language efek atas penggunaan bahasa terhadap lingkungan social. Such as to slank, alay, bahasa gaul. Effect when we speaking will menimbulkan ke pada orang lain. And sociolinguistics bahasa social yang digunakan sehari hari, tergantung tempat dan situasi.
Difference accent and dialeg! So dialeg, lebih ke geografis,gaya perbedaan kata dan bahasa. And accent, nada berbicara dengan lawan bicara kita sendiri.

I thinks conclude to for me that can saya dapati, Asslamulaikum wr. wb

Symbol and Referent

Four Article's Review

Ratna Sari
Title: Semantic field, Semantic Relation and Semantic Component
Author: Benedict Orji Ukpabi
Pages: 17
This discussion about the semantic field, semantic relation and semantic components. It characterized the semantic field.
 Semantic field is a set of words or lexemes related in meaning; also called lexical field, field, or field of meaning. Most often, fields are defined by subject matter, such as body parts, landforms, diseases, colours, foods, or kinship relations.
Semantic Relations, Semantic relations or meaning relations are words that are semantically related to other words.
There are lexical groups or components that made up semantic relation :
1.      Synonym
2.       Antonyms
3.      Polysemy
4.      Antagonymy
5.      Homonymy
6.      Hyponymy/hypernymy
Semantic Components, A semantic component is a potentially contrastive part of the meaning of a lexical unit
Result/Finding:  This study about a set of words or lexemes related in meaning, semantic relations or meaning relations are words that are semantically related to other words. This semantic also about the sinonim,antonyms,polysemy,antagonymy,homonymy,hyponymy, and about the semantic components that part of the meaning of a lexical unit.

Strength and Weakness:
This paper is full of explanation and so many examples. The author had completed answer of that three question. I got something new about semantic in this paper beside of my previous review. Now, I know what is semantics field, relation and components. And also we got what the purpose of this learn, advantages and disadvantages used it to describe the meaning of word.  A students who is study about semantic must read this paper. You can get new understanding of semantics in here.

I got a little problem of some word example that is so many new word I did not know the meaning, so if you read this paper you must diligent open your dictionary. But it will help you to improve your English.

This conclusion article’s we study about the semantic field, lexemes related in meaning.

Judul: Teori Semantik: Kemuliaan dan Keterbatasan
Searcher 1: Saleh Mustafa Ramadhan
Dari: Al-Zaytoonah Universitas Swasta Yordania, Amman, Yordania.
Pencari 2: Taleb I. Ababneh
Dari: Irbid National University-Jordan, Irbid, Yordania.
Halaman: 9

This articles about the Theories of Semantics. Mainly referential theory of meaning, non– referential theory of meaning and generative grammarian theory of meaning are discussed.

Bloomfield (1933) stated that the context of situation was an essential part of meaning. He defined the meaning of a linguistic form as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response which it calls forth in the hearer. Palmer(1981) used reference in the sense of non– linguistic world of objects and experiences. In this sense, the word reference is used for the whole network of the contexts of situations in which we live. In other words, both Bloomfield and Palmer focus on the context of situations. Bloomfield also thinks of meaning as something describable in terms of stimuli and responses like Skinner who came after him. Skinner (1957) views meaning as a result of stimuli and responses made by participants in a verbal act of communication.
Strength and Weakness:
So many theories have been interested in the study of meaning. Because of the limited scope of this paper, the discussion will cover some of the well–known theories of meaning formulated in the last century. Mainly referential theory of meaning, non– referential theory of meaning and generative grammarian theory of meaning are discussed. Some assumptions, merits and limitations for each theory are also described.

The researcher has discussed the main of meaning ,their view about meaning is nearly the same as of the Greekphilosophers. The only new thing they added is that it is the human mind that links an object.

Title          : Modern Linguistics Semantics
Author      : Kate Kearns,Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics.
From         : University of Canterbury New Zealand.
Upload      : Pooja Saikia

Semantics deals with the literal meaning of words and the meaning of the way they are combined, which taken together form the core of meaning,  or the starting point from which the whole meaning of a particular utterance is constructed.

This article present the kinds of meaning:
1.      Denotation and sense
The general point is that linguistic expressions are linked in virtue of their meaning to parts of the world around us, which is the basis of our use of language to convey information about reality. The denotation of an expression is the part of reality the expression is linked to.
The second way of giving the meaning of a word, commonly used in dictionaries, is to paraphrase it,
The most widely discussed form of the sense/denotation distinction is the means‘the blue train’ is to say that the French expression and the English expression have the same sense.sense/reference distinction. An expression which denotes just one individual is said to refer to that individual. Titles and proper names are common referring expressions
2.      Lexical and Structural Meaning
lexical meaning, which is the meaning of the individual words.
Structural meaning mainly comprises the meaning derived from the syntactic structure of an expression, for example: , which is the meaning of the way the words are combined.
3.      Categorematic expressions, which include the vast majority of words, are the descriptive words such as nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Strengthness and Weakness
Strength : You can know more about modern linguistic especially semantics by read this. And the example is enough to make us understands. And there are some tips that have given by authors.
Weakness : this article too long and very tedious to read.

From this article we know Current research suggests that the generalization expressed in any version of thematic roles theory is basically correct – arguments of verbs do fall into broad semantic classes, although the relevant classes are not always those identified by the traditional thematic relations introduced here.

Title          : Frame semantics a brief introduction
Author      : Diego Gavagna
From         : Aarhus University, 2013
Pages        : 12

It tries to give a comprehensive explanation on how meanings are structured and associated to words in a semantic structure and how these provide access to our conceptual system, the inventory of structured knowledge that we use to navigate the world.This view gives account for relations between words that cannot just be ascribed to structural semantic relations like hyponymy, synonymy orantonymy. Instead, it describes the interdependencies between words based on background knowledge that humans acquire through experience and store in long-term memory.

Frame semantics can be thought of as the effort to understand what reason a speech community might have found for creating the category represented by the word, and to explain the word’s meaning by presenting and clarifying that reason.
From these word, beside the systemic interrelations between words and between the respective underlying concepts, emerges one further characteristic of frame semantics,namely, that knowledge is grounded in human interaction with others and with the world.Thus, frames are prior expectations and knowledge about the world that is the whole time strengthen, weakened and transformed according to the information our brain receives from the perceptive senses.
So that boy would be defined as [human], [male], [young]. girl would be described as [human],[minus male], [young].The necessary and sufficient condition for it would be [human],[male], [adult], [minus married]. However this definition would include as bachelor also the Pope, proving that the accuracy of the definition is strongly undermined.

Strength and Weakness
Strength :  the author analysis is something new that we found of many article about semantic. I am so interested with the Frame semantics. The example is great. There are some pictures here. The letter that author used is so neat and will be easy to understand.
Weakness: the author said his dissertation is can not be considered exhaustive, but he have tried to give described the main terms of the theory.

Many other authors have developed this framework, including the remarkable attempt by Lakoff & Johnson in describing the concept of reframing in political discourse based on frame semantics’ approach and the role of metaphors and metonymy in natural languages. Lakoff’s approach is particularly interesting because it is not just an analytical framework but very much also a set of practical tools usable in everyday life.Another important contribution is the one proposed by Fauconier and Turner describing the characteristics of mental spaces that pose the ground for blending theory.
This article give an account for frame semantics approach to knowledge representations as described by Fillmore and the researchers that have developed his approach, including Langacker’s domains’ description and Barsalou perceptual symbols.


And I will share the  knowledge about Symbol and Referent.
In this my blog,i want to write down about the summary of symbol and referent.
Klik Sini


Well, I am going to review an article that I got from ACADEMIA related to our course “Semantics”.
This article is published by Abbdullah . Its title is “SEMANTICS Semantics is the study of linguistic meaning of morphemes”. which is talking about the word “Meaning of Morphemes”
I am interested to review this article because the title. I think it is enough interesting to read and know more about semantics ( the study of meaning). Actually so many explaination about this subject and I just took some points of it that enough important.


Semantics is the study of linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases and sentences. Subfields of semantics are;
Lexical Semantics is concerned with the meaning of words, and the meaning relationships among words.
Phrasal or Sentential Semantics is concerned with the meaning of syntactic units larger than the word.
Pragmatics is the study of how context and situation affect meaning.


Conceptual Meaning: Conceptual meaning covers those basic, essential components of meaning that are conveyed by the literal use of a word. It is the type of meaning that dictionaries are designed to describe. Some of the basic components of a word like needle in English might include “thin, sharp, steel instrument.”
Associative Meaning is the type of meaning that people might connect with the use of words. The associative meaning of an expression has to do with individual mental understandings of the speaker. Different people might have different associations or connotations attached to a word like needle. They might associate it with “pain,” or “illness,” or “blood,” or “drugs,” or “thread,” or “knitting,” or “hard to find” (especially in a haystack), and these associations may differ from one person to the next. These types of associations are not treated as part of the word’s conceptual meaning.


Truth-conditional semantics is a theory of meaning that takes semantic knowledge of knowing when sentences are true or false as basic. It is the study of conditions under which a statement can be judged true or false. It is also called compositional semantics because it calculates the truth value of a sentence by composing, or putting together, the meaning of smaller units. The study of truth or truth conditions in semantics falls into two basic categories:
1.       The study of different types of truth embodied in individual sentences:
a)      Tautologies (Analytic Sentences)
b)     Contradictions
c)      Synthetic Sentences
2.       The study of different types of truth relations that hold between sentences.
a)      Entailment
b)     Contradictory Sentences